
The Wolves

was born from the

the commitment to learning.

This project was created with the idea of having an unforgettable adventure in an amazing place and with people who want to share with and learn from others. Learning, building relationships and gaining experience are the three pillars of The Wolves.

That’s not to say that creating a positive atmosphere and coexisting is not important to us, it is, but we are confident that this will happen naturally.

We will spend our days listening to the speakers explaining how they work, how they talk to their clients, how they manage their workflow, what the most important things in their work are, etc.

12 Speakers

November 17TH – November 23RD


Master Classes

They are divided in two parts: The first one from 10:00 in the morning to 14:00 pm whereeach speaker will talk all about their work. The second one from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 pm where they will shoot 4 real couple in different locations of the Island.

  • James Frost

    I am an international Wedding Photographer based in Cornwall, UK. I spent my younger years growing up in Spain. Inspired by my Grandad, this is where my passion for photography started. It wasn´t long before I picked up my own camera and fell in love with telling stories.

James Frost

Master Classes

I am an international Wedding Photographer based in Cornwall, UK. I spent my younger years growing up in Spain. Inspired by my Grandad, this is where my passion for photography started. It wasn´t long before i picked up my own camera and fell in love with telling stories.

Frøydis Geithus

Master Classes

I’m Frøydis, a traveler born by the fjords in the West of Norway.Photography found me at a young age, when I explored different ways to express myself. I leave a piece of myself in every picture I take, and I never get tired of exploring and documenting other people's love stories.Still every year I’m cutting down the number of weddings I shoot.

Petar Jurica

Master Classes

It was 9/9/1999, I was a second year university student when I started working in a small local newspaper as a photographer, and turned my hobby into a profession. A couple of years later I was invited to join the staff at the best selling lifestyle magazine in the region, a dream come true for me – my job was to travel all around the world and photograph incredible people like Juliette Binoche, Paulo Cohelo, Steve Buscemi, Morgan Freeman, Tina Turner and many others.

The Ferros

Master Classes

Nico & Vinx, we narrate love tales all around the globe. Both coming from the world of advertising, we have been working as a creative team for several years. (That is also how we met!) We love to creatively and emotionally express the soul of each story through our vision and crafting -which is constantly moved by our biggest passion: cinema.

Bonfire Nights

These happen during the night, we will relax on the beach while listening to some friends talk about their experiences and their approach to photography.

Deyvis Malta

Bonfire Night

I was born in 1988 in Venezuela. I started by studying science but my passion for photography spoke louder. Photography is always part of my day to day. I had my first camera when I was sixteen and since then I haven't stopped taking photos. In 2008 I decided to study at Portuguese Institute of Photography to professionalize my vocation. After that, I went to London to open my horizons in photography.

Lukas Piatek

Bonfire Night

Hey guys! My name is Lukas Piatek and Iʼm currently living in Germany with my beautiful wife Lena, our lovely dog Milla, our three bunnies Klops, Phil Dunphy, Motte and out tiny hamster Walter White. Iʼm travelling the world to document raw emotions and love in the purest form. Some of you might also know me as the creator of the LOOKSLIKEFILM community.

Laura Wood

Bonfire Night

I live in Yorkshire, England with my husband and two kiddos named Arthur and Rufus. I'm inspired by the beauty of everyday life, the moody English weather, low light and my children. I am a lifestyle and wedding photographer with an approach which is a muddle of documentary and fine art I like to take everyday moments and bring mood and a painterly feel to the images by editing.

Lookslikefilm Day

Woooop! We have been collaborating with one of the most important platforms of the world for years, and we wanted to have a day with them. This is one of the novelties for this fifth year of the workshop. After years having a day off, we decided that we could continue to train during this day in a more relaxed way.

Javier Abad

Lookslikefilm Day

My name is Javi and Ilive in a unknown paradaise called Asturias in Northem Spain. Mountains and Nature are my inspiration and thats the reason I still live there. I started to take photos long 25 years ago to document mysnowboarding and skateboardingtrips with friends around Spain, When I finished mychemistry degree( yes i ́m chemist) I started to workas a freelance snowboard photographer and workedfor brands and a magazines. In 2011 Idecidedto make a change in my life and started my wedding bussines F2studio. My initial idea was to mix nature with weddings and thats what I have been doing until today.

Daniel Alonso

Lookslikefilm Day

I'm Daniel Alonso. I live in a small city in northern Spain. My big passion in life is family and cinema. Not in that necessary order. In 2006 I founded People as an audiovisual company dedicated to advertising and event videos. In 2010, Gloria Cavia (who years later would be my wife) joined me and in 2012 we focused exclusively on wedding photography. In 2016 we were named one of the 30 Rising Stars of Wedding Photogrpahy by Rangefinder Magazine. We're totally focued on storytelling using slideshows to improve the client's experience.

Pablo Beglez

Lookslikefilm Day

I consider myself a happy and outgoing guy, sharing my time with others is very important to me. I love to travel but I also like to lie on my couch and watch a movie. I feel very fortun:te to be doing what I love for a living. Iʼm not pretentious and I donʼt like luxury. I think that feeling accomplished with your life doesnʼt directly relate to making a lot of money, so Iʼd rather live experiences than surround myself with material things.

Juanlu Rojano

Lookslikefilm Day

My name is Juan Luis, but people always call me Juanlu. I studied audiovisuals and I also worked for publicity agencies covering different types of events. I started in this world of wedding photography with a video producer. It was there where I learnt to develop myself and have a more cinematic view, so that’s why now I really love fashion, portrait and everything related to the color.

Wolves Day

This day is one of our favorites. Here an attendee of one of the past Wolves editions and whoʼs work begins to stand out comes to talk about his/her journey.

Sara Lincoln

A photographer living in South London. I take pictures for a living, but that’s only a small part of who. I am also a music lover who can’t play an instrument. A Brit who doesn’t drink tea. A person small in height, but loud in presence. An adventurer who always loves to return home, but mostly a happy human, who cries all the bloody time.

Best friends

Wolves Workshop

November 17TH – November 23RD


12 Speakers

La Graciosa, Canary islands


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